My patience is starting to pay off! For several weeks my new trail cam recorded absolutely nothing. But the past few days, things have started happening!
First, the mount: I wasn't sure what to mount the trail cam to, so originally I strapped it to a wooden board and leaned the board against the side of the house. That worked fine, until we had several very windy days, and the board kept blowing over. I did some research on the internet, where I discovered many creative and unique ways to mount a trail cam. In the end, though, I decided to buy a special mount just for trail cams that can be pushed into the ground to anchor it. There's a small screw at the top to attach the camera. So far it's been great:
And now, the videos! As the weeks ticked by and nothing was recorded, I started wondering if the trail cam might not be sensitive enough. I figured if there were animals crossing our yard, they would probably be small, and cross on the far side of the yard, by the fence. Well, ask and ye shall receive, because a few days later the camera recorded a squirrel running across right by the fence:
As videos go, it's not too exciting, but I was glad to have proof that the camera works as expected.
Then a few days after that, we got a video of a bunny in the middle of the night. When Wendy saw it, she said she hoped we'd eventually get to see videos of other animals, like coyotes. Once again, ask and ye shall receive, because last night we recorded two animals! One was another bunny:
And the other was... a coyote? Or a dog? Anyone care to offer their opinion?
Regardless, I'm happy the trail cam has started to record animals. I can't believe I didn't think of doing this years ago!
Finally, continuing the theme of ask and ye shall receive, I hope we get videos that show how so much bird food got knocked out of the feeder. And I hope we get videos of Sasquatch.