The Hollow Moon

A few months ago, I watched an episode of Ancient Aliens called Space Station Moon. It talked about a theory I'd never heard before: that the moon is actually hollow! Then they detailed an even crazier theory: that the moon is a hollow artificial satellite! My favorite moment in the episode was when the guy with the hair (Giorgio Tsoukalos) said "What I want to know is... WHO BUILT THE MOON?" I don't remember if I literally laughed out loud at that line, but regardless I found it hilarious. Who indeed?

In the past week, I read the following books:

  • The First Men in the Moon, by H.G. Wells, written around 1899. It features two men who travel to the moon and discover it's hollow and populated by ant people.
  • The Sasquatch Message to Humanity, written around 2015, which purports to be the telepathic communication from an Elder Sasquatch. It claims, among other things, that the moon is hollow and populated by ant people.

I knew almost nothing about these books before reading them, so I find it very funny that I read them back to back, in the same week! (I'm not claiming to believe the hollow moon theory now, I'm just reporting what I experienced.)

This actually reminds me of something from our Colorado days. One year we visited the Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado, where we heard of a Native American legend that says the sand dunes were formed long ago, when the ant people carved out a nearby mountain!

We visited the dunes before we owned a digital camera, so I figured we had some print photos of them somewhere. I dug around a bit and found them, then I used the Google PhotoScan app to turn them into digital pictures. Here's the result:

The dunes are enormous! They cover 30 square miles and are the tallest sand dunes in North America. I'd never heard of them until we moved to Colorado.

So were they made by mountain-carving ant people?

Is the moon hollow?

Does it even matter?

What will I have for a snack?

Until next time...