
On our way to the grocery store this morning, we came up with a list of signs that summer is about to end:

  1. Acorns have begun falling.
  2. Geese have returned to the pond.
  3. School buses have returned to the roads.
  4. Halloween stores have opened up.
  5. Preseason football has started.

And that leads to a related topic: it took 8-9 years, but I finally feel like I've become acclimated to northern Illinois. For example:

  1. I started watching hockey the past couple of seasons.
  2. I used to think that summers here were never hot enough; now when temps reach the upper 80s I think it's too hot.
  3. August feels like the start of fall, not the peak of summer.

One of the best parts of watching a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game (sometimes it is the best part) is the singing of the national anthem by Jim Cornelison. The guy is an opera singer, and when he sings, everything in our house stops to listen. It seriously rocks. And it never gets old. If you haven't heard him sing before, check it out here. Every Blackhawks home game starts like that.

2 responses
I checked out the video, Mr C sounds very good. I think this summer is just different. The "deniers" probably selected it to confuse the public. I predict next August will be hot This is before your time but my statement sounds like an excerpt from "Drew Pearson and his predictions of things to come.".
Yeah, maybe this summer is the exception that proves the rule.