Star Trek Update

College football is over, and has been for a while, so I've had a chance to catch up on TV shows I've missed. That includes resuming my Star Trek: TNG watching duties! I finished up season 6 recently and started season 7. The final season! Only 20+ episodes to go.

I'm also starting to get excited about watching Deep Space Nine after I finish with The Next Generation. I watched very little of it when it aired, so it will be almost all new to me. From what I recall, it's much darker and more plot driven, as opposed to TNG, which is more character driven.

Finally, in other Star Trek news, check out this awesome shirt I got for Christmas from Joy & Cory:

It's Data's poem! About his cat, Spot! It's from the Schisms episode in season 6, which I wrote about here. This was a super-cool gift; I was excited to get it. Now I want to go to a Star Trek convention, so I can wear this and get mad respect from all the Trekkies.