Link of the Day

I've always been a big fan of Little Debbie snack cakes, especially Swiss Cake Rolls and Nutty Bars. Some months ago, the vending machine at work started carrying a Nutty-Bar-knockoff called Buddy Bars, which I'd never heard of. Today I came across this link:

It's a blog dedicated to comparing snacks with their second-rate versions. I totally agree with their assessment, Nutty Bars are much better than Buddy Bars. For the most part, Buddy Bars aren't bad. They're a lot less sweet and more peanut-buttery, but the second time I tried them, there was a burned taste that was terrible and disgusting and totally turned me off of them. Someone in the comments on that article says "The “burnt” taste comes from recycling damaged and partial parts into the peanut butter filler." I have no idea if that's true. If it weren't for that, Buddy Bars would be a nice change of pace to the sugary Nutty Bars.

The premise of Second Rate Snacks is completely ridiculous, but I love it. It's fun to scan through past posts to see what second rate snacks they taste test. The About page mentions they got the idea for the blog when they noticed a package of "Animal Snackers" in a vending machine.