Gas Cans

I had no idea gas can technology had advanced so irritatingly in the last 7-8 years. I have a one-gallon plastic gas can I've been using for years. The spout recently cracked, causing it to leak whenever I poured gas into the lawn mower. So I went to the store to buy a new one, but they all had this weird spout that I didn't quite understand at first glance. That was the only option, though, so I bought it.

When I took it home and tried to use it, I couldn't believe how complicated it was. I'm used to two steps: 1) take the cap off the spout and 2) pour. The instructions for the new gas can had four steps (!), not including taking the cap off the spout. It was ridiculous. So I kept using the leaky gas can for a few weeks. At some point I figured I'd go to various stores until I found a gas can with a normal spout.

Then Wendy, by coincidence, stumbled upon a blog post where someone was ranting about the terrible new spouts on gas cans. Apparently they are all like that, and it's California's fault. In an effort to reduce smog, they mandated the use of new gas cans that wouldn't leak fumes and would prevent spillage. The EPA liked the idea, so they mandated the new cans for everyone.

The problem, as many people have pointed out, is that the new spouts are so complicated you need at least three hands to operate them, and you wind up spilling more gas than you ever did with the old spouts.

I am so glad Wendy found that article. I was relieved that I was not the problem, and that everyone else found the new cans terribly irritating. Fortunately, there is a solution: you can buy an EZ-POUR spout online, which is the old-style spout. I bought one immediately.

But here's the most ridiculous part of the whole thing: 

Buying the old-style gas can spouts is illegal in a number of states. But, proving that America is the truly the cradle of innovation, retailers have taken the same spouts, put them in a different package, and labeled them "water can spout", thus making them perfectly legal to sell.

My new spout came in the mail recently. I put it on my old gas can and now everything is good. No more leaks.

It is mind-boggling that something so simple can be made so complex.

3 responses
You had all of us in Arizona laughing. Then i told your dad about it and after he read it, he called back and laughed with us. What a great way to start the day!
Randy This is dad. I enjoyed your gas can episode. Several years ago, I experienced the same thing with my gas can. I got so frustrated I gutted all the safety measures. I even cut off the outside safety latch. Now I have a gas can that works. Your chuckling dad
I know that this has been an issue for the past 10 years. Thats why I have dedicated myself to creating The Ultimate Fuel Can. I am a regular man, like you, and am involved 100% in bringing this design to market at a reasonable price. Check out my website ( ), like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and follow us on Instagram. Thank you for your support.