Assorted Links

  • Shape-shifting UFO spotted over Bogota: A distinguished journalist reports seeing a shape-shifting UFO over Bogota, Columbia. It's a good report with some intriguing pictures. I just find it disappointing he feels the need to apologize for what he saw.
  • Theories about a strange roar over southern Wisconsin: Closer to home, last month a strange roar was heard over parts of southern Wisconsin. It lasted several minutes, and was heard in several counties simultaneously. Planes, thunder, meteorites, and earthquakes were ruled out. We're not that far away from the cities that reported the sound.
  • What the Deer are Telling Us: Apparently deer, like humans, are very good at wiping out biodiversity. A biologist claims that deer have eradicated 80 percent of native Wisconsin plant species. Another example:
    • "On Anticosti Island, in Quebec, deer feasted so remorselessly on currants, gooseberries, and wild fruits that the native bear population, dependent on the fruits for survival, died out within 50 years of deer introduction. This was astonishing. A prey species, by stealing away plant resources, had extirpated its predator."
  • A quest for pain-free fishing: The author discovers that Egoscue exercises allow him to continue fishing in retirement. I don't fish, but I have been doing Egoscue for the past 5 years. It helps to counteract the total lack of movement I get from sitting at the computer. My favorite part of the article: the author writes that his daughter worked with yoga instructors who had chronic pain, and much to their chagrin, yoga didn't help alleviate that pain. But Egoscue exercises did.
  • Leonora Carrington's 98th Birthday: This is one of the best Google doodles I've ever seen. Leonora Carrington was a Mexican surrealist painter. The doodle is inspired from her painting "How Doth the Little Crocodile". I looked up that painting, and I discovered it's even better than the Google doodle. Here it is.