Snack Finder

Yesterday I finally sat down and created the cherry cordial program that I wrote about here. It will run twice a week and email me if any Little Debbie cherry cordials are in stock nearby. The code itself is rather boring to look at; most of it involves error checking. If anything goes wrong at any point, it has to alert me, otherwise it could break and I would never know. To run the program, I type something like this:

./snackfinder --product='Cherry Cordials' --zip=12345 --radius=10

As of today, there are no cherry cordials near me. I expect that to be the case for the next 8-9 months.

Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, was also a programmer. In the book Last Chance to See he says:

I am rarely happier than when spending an entire day programming my computer to perform automatically a task it would otherwise take me a good ten seconds to do by hand.

Ha! That's pretty much how I feel about my snack finder. It was 3-4 hours of work, and it's saving me only a few seconds of effort, but I am extremely pleased with it, nonetheless!

2 responses
If you like it that's all that counts. Personally I try to avoid Things like a Little Debbie because they contain those pollutants called "calories". I should be spending my time practicing my Dragon NS skills which are not very good right now even though I'm using it at the present. It seems that every time I sit at the computer it decides that it should want to upgrade itself, so I spend 20 minutes watching the screen, which is blank most of the time. A question; I am now using Microsoft seven and am being continually prodded to upgrade to Microsoft 10. Should I make this change or should I hold off for a few years? I certainly don't want to spend a lot of time and effort and frustration learning a new system.
I recommend staying with Windows 7 as long as you can. I just bought a new laptop for Wendy, which has Windows 10, and I learned that it's a privacy nightmare. And I've been surprised how slow some of it is, even on a brand new machine with high end specs.