Cherry Cordials

Little Debbie makes these cherry cordials, and they're delicious. I love them. 

But they're a seasonal product, only available during Christmas and Valentine's Day. I used to get them at the local Meijer store, but they haven't carried them in years, which is sad. That means I haven't had any in years. I always look at other grocery stores but without any luck. I even used the Little Debbie snack finder on their website to locate stores that carry them, but I could never find them in those stores. Bummer.

Then last night happened. After I got home from work, Wendy lamented that we had no lettuce for our burrito bowls. So I volunteered to go to the store to get lettuce, since it would give me another shot at finding Little Debbie Cherry Cordials. I went to Jewel, a store I'd checked out before, hoping this time they might be in stock. After I got the lettuce, I headed to the snack aisle, found the Little Debbie section, and, as usual, they weren't there. So I walked around the perimeter of the aisles, checking the end caps. Nothing. Then I walked down a middle section that cuts through all the aisles, and I found them! For some crazy reason, the Cherry Cordials were in a special display stand down the frozen food aisle. I have no earthly idea why they put them there. Why wouldn't they put them with all the other Little Debbie snacks? But that does not matter now; what matters is that I found them!

So I bought two boxes, went home, declared victory to Wendy, and ate some cherry cordials (a modest amount). Today I went back and bought another box, just to stock up.

And now that I know I've been looking in the wrong place all these years, a thought occurred to me. I spend my days writing computer programs. I could write a program that checks the Little Debbie snack finder once a week, and notifies me when a nearby store has started carrying them! I think I'm a genius.

4 responses
I am very happy that you finally found them! And great idea about the computer program! However, would the victory be as sweet if you could have the cordials whenever you want them?
These are available for such a limited time, that I think (hope) the answer will be yes! Especially after the long wait between Valentine's and Christmas.
LOL! We were also victorious in finding them this past weekend!! their own special display...but in a more obvious place than the freezer isle (thankfully!)
Glad to hear it!